Although mixing the show for the house is our primary concern, there are many times when it is necessary to record it as well. This could vary from a copy of the PA output for posterity or post-show evaluation to a full-scale multi-track recording for commercial release. There are many ways to accomplish this depending […]
Back in the olden days, when high-quality audio equipment wasn’t nearly as readily available as it is today, gain structure could make or break the sound quality of a show. Good gain structure was necessary to ensure that the audio signal voltage did not reach the console voltage rails and clip, while at the same […]
This can be a slightly controversial subject with opinion split between those who love it and those who really don’t care for it much at all. Running a system in an aux-fed sub configuration can help to clean up and enhance the clarity of a live mix. There are significant advantages, but a little thought […]
The rise of digital consoles has seen a huge increase in features available at a much lower price point than ever before. It almost doesn’t matter what level of show you’re doing these days, the chance of seeing a digital console complete with all the toys is high, even at the lowest level. While this […]
Mixing monitors can be hugely rewarding, and working with a stage full of monitor wedges is really fun! However, if you are not in complete control at all times, it can very quickly become a nightmare. I put forward my own procedure and techniques for mixing wedges, although as with all types of mixing, it […]
As a sound technician, I have come across countless channel lists, stage plots and technical riders, some of them excellent and some of them good only for scrap paper. As a band engineer, I’ve also written plenty. I have a good idea of what information is necessary in order to convey a band’s technical requirements […]